
Tag Archives: fat

Archeologists found a 4.500 year old set of papyri in Egypt, among which there was a “Bill of rights”, or, in other words a list of the rights of egyptian citizens of the times, well, this is incredible news, when we think that millenia had to pass until another document like it was written and signed in England, and even later in other countries.

But that document has something else in it, it also has a set of obligations or responsibilites (however you wish to call them), and this has yet to be written and signed in the modern world.

Let’s explore the idea and please allow me to write here some suggestions on which obligations to include.

Right: You have the right to life – Obligation: You have to take care of it.

Right: Freedom of religion – Obligation: You must not impose it on anybody else

Right: An educaton – Obligation: Paying for it

Rigth: To bear 5 children – Obligation: Support them and educate them (feeding them and housing them is a must).

Right: Freedom of speech – Obligation: Watch what you say

Right: Gay marriage  – Obligation: Behave like hetero marriages (or at least politely, marriage is already depressing, don`t make it worse by ridiculing it)

Right: To be gay – Obligation: Not ot attend  parades in your underwear (specially if you are a middle aged man who is not in shape).

Right: To be a Racist – Obligation: Keep it to yourself (you can hate as much as you like, just don`t let anybody notice).

Right: To be a priest – Obligation: Do not rape kids (come on, go find a hooker and pay for sex).

Right: Freedom of choice (in life) – Obligation: Bear the consequences of your choices

As an example, I understand public funding for type 1 diabetes treatment, but type 2 is your fault, it’s triggered by pigging out on sugar, that one, you pay for yourself.

As another example, I am a smoker, so if I get cancer, I have to pay for the treatment myself, I am the idiot who smokes, I have been told it causes cancer, I am looking at the side of my pack of cigarrettes right now, it says “SMOKING CAUSES CANCER”, if I don’t understand it and smoke, I have to pay for my treatment. No taxpayers money for me because I am an idiot.

Public health systems should not fund bariatric surgery (stomach stapling), when an obese person comes into the clinic they should be sent home and put on a diet.

etc. etc. etc.

So, it seems the Egyptians were a lot smarter than us, not only because they built the pyramids, simply because they were, the bill of obligations, the sole concept is amazing…

Have a nice day.



Hello Again, I was watching a documentary about chinese workers with lung disease, they contracted it while driling foundations into bedrock for the skyscrapers in the new growing cities.

I constantly read stories about obese people who “were not told” that eating 10 hamburgers or pounds of candies a day would make them fat, nd diabetic, hypertense and very sick, of workers who were poisoned by breathing dirt or chemicals at work, people who in one way or another have been “decieved” into getting these serious conditions and were totally oblivious to the fact they were getting sick.

Well, the fact that you are a middle class citizen (or a lower class one) does not exempt you of the responsability of having a brain and using it.

If you eat junk food every day and you gain 40 pounds, you can spot a trend here, just start eating healthier and lose them, don`t wait until you have gained 200 pounds and then complain against fast food. Please THINK.

If you are gay (or heterosexual, even though the odds are lower) and have unprotected sex, and get AIDS, it is your fault, nobody else’s.

If you send your 12 year old to catholic school and he gets raped by a priest, you are the idiot ! The priest is a rapist, but you sent your kid there, so it’s your fault too.

You are a heavy smoker and after a couple of decades you get sick, well, you started coughing since the second week you began smoking, there is another trend, THINK.

The same with drilling rock, after a couple of weeks you will begin feeling sick, if your company does not provide you with a respirator and you are not willing to quit your job, GO BUY ONE, they are not expensive, and it “just your life” at stake.

The point I am trying to make here is that if you simply THINK, you will “notice” all these things, it is not OK for you to be a retard, everybody knows french fries make you fat, everybody knows too much dust will kill you, and even if you don`t know, you will notice symptoms and you can go to a doctor (even one in a free clinic will ask you) what do you work on ? – I work drilling foundations in bedrock. – Are you aware of what the dust does to your lungs ? – No, what ? – It destroys them, have you been coughing ? – Yes.

See ? it’s that simple, if you are an idiot, do not blame others, just think a little and accept your responsibilities. You are supposed to take care of yourself and your families, and if you don`t it’s all your fault.

Have a nice day.

Well, I’m back. I needed a rest.

It’s bad news for the US, all the shocking production power (that one which defeated Germany and Japan is gone), it has been murdered by regulations and the intervention of the federal government. Today there will be no Preston Tucker with his motorized machine gun turret, no Edison, no Samuel Colt. All the Steves Jobs, Bills Gates are part of the past, some dead of natural causes, other murdered by trusts and regulations. Today in the US it is almost impossible to start a successful innovative company. The worst enemy of the US, it’s own government is applying all its power to help the competitors of the US, it’s like having an enemy task force among your lines. The small enterpreneur tries to start producing an invention and gets stopped by the fereral government, regulatory asgencies, enviromentalists, unions, the EPA, NGO’s and interest groups, and at the same time by those who have bought their power in Washington, the US has become sluggish it has been “Europezied”. If something as simple as a car was invented today it would be impossible to put it on the road, just imagine, a two ton device, filled with an explosive fuel and which actually could crash into a person and kill him !!!!. Unthinkable!!! there would be no permits to build such a contraption.

So this is the bad news, while the Chinese can barely see 300ft away through the smog, enslave their workers to produce cheaper goods, the Europeans lower the wages, disable their unions and simply take away the workers’ rights  “for the common good” the US worker has more rights than any worker in the world, US companies have more regulations than anywhere in the world and now the fereral government is the most expensive one in the world. This is a cocktail for disaster, the US can`t win.  The government has strangled the innovative small eterpreneur, they are just not there anymore to push the economy forward. The big corporations just can`t do it, they never could, the purpose of a corporation is to make money, at all costs, even if making money means to cannibalize itself. The small enterpreneur makes THINGS not money, they do it for the love of “doing it right”, don`t get me wrong, they like money, but they will not cease growing or decrease in size to make money, their purpose is not “just making money” their purpose is to grow, produce and make money IN THAT ORDER. But they cannot exist, the fishtank of the US economy has been polluted by the collectivists, the US is virtually riskless, everything is regulated but unfortunately the fish cannot live in the fishtank, the real strength of the US has been killed by a philosphy, where freedom is not a valuable commodity, where there is no freedom of choice, “the pursuit of happiness” is OK, as long it is “The happiness” the Federal government has decided is good for you.

This is so psychotic that today a hamburger selling joint can be sued by fat customers, and the federal government will actually regulate and tell the joint to write on their product “this will make you fat and may kill you” and I would add, (and if you are such a moron that you don`t know this, you can die of a heat attack and it will be great if you don`t have any kids, we have enough retards as it is).

Does anybody in the world not know that Cigarrtette Smoking or being fat, or overdosing in sugar, or drinking a quart of whisky kills ?, but let me get this straight, what is the policy here ? bug the hell out of cigarrette smokers but legalize marihuana ??????. Anyway we spend billions on dollars on research to find out new ways by which cigarrette smoking, or  hamburgers, or booze, or whatever will kill you. Well they already did and we already knew, and we did know before the federal government wrote it on little labels on the side of Snickers.

Unfortunately it’s too late, this is the world of the collective, the do gooders, tree huggers, environmentalists and the health freaks. It si not about having a clean power plant, it’s about living without electricity, environmentalists would rather kill off humans than having them live and pollute.

So be ready, (if you want to sell peanuts), to write on the bag that eating a ton might kill the fatso who does, that the bag might make the sidewalk ditry if you throw it away, that the peanuts are twice as much because you used eco-fuel to roast them, BTW they taste like shit because they are coated in aspartme instead of sugar (which will give you cancer but it’s OK, because Coca Cola got it approved at the FDA).

well, have a nice day !!!

OK, this one is about the country I live in. A few days ago a law (bill) was passed and approved by congress here in Chile, it is a strengthening of a previous one, so we have 2 laws (during this year) which directly control behavior, Law 1 is about drinking, the level of alcohol you can consume if you are going to drive is equivalent to half a glass of wine (or half a glass of beer for that matter) if you drink a can of beer and drive (and get caught of course) you will have your license suspended. The other law is about tobacco, the previous law demanded separate areas for smokers and non smokers, this one plainly forbids smoking anywhere with a roof.

For the last six months, there has been a shortage of taxis in Santiago (Chile) because everybody uses taxis to go out since they can`t drink anything if they drive, so what is funny is that we have the same amount of drunks, they ride in cabs now. I don`t defend drinking and driving, don`t get me wrong, but our govt. said that it was going to help reduce drinking, so far it has reduced driving (I don`t drink BTW).

But the new tobacco law is another story, this law threatens all the night clubs, topless bars, cofee shops, karaokes, restaurants and discoteques, it is true it has been in force for a few weeks, but it is amazing, my wife and I used to meet friends at a karaoke bar, or restaurant, and since some of us are smokers, we simply quit going out, we call each other and meet at our place or theirs, it is a lot cheaper, we all have good audio equipment, so we have night barbecues, dinners and we smoke if we want, or drink, (because if they have drunk too much my friends stay over), in essence we are free, it is amazing, but one of the restaurants in which we used to meet has closed down, it just lost all of its customers to this two laws.

So, we are still free, even if the govt. tries to opress us, we are still free (until they pass a law on what we can and can`t do at home), Don`t laugh, it will happen.

Oddly enough there is also a bill in our congress to legalize pot (I hope they will do it so I will be able to tell the cops I am smoking pot, even though it will be tobacco.)

Be creful, there is a bill in our congress right now which forbids selling anything other than fruits or cereals in a 1/4 mile radius around schools, and forbids selling candy or junk food to minors.

How long will it be until they simply forbid being fat ????

Imagine the headlines, Fat man gets caught trying to sneak intoi a plane, or scales in all schools, schooling will be denied to overweigh people, or, Child services will keep the children of overweigh people until they lose weight.

I guess in time it will also be forbidden to be ugly,

Have a nice day

I have been wondering for a long time if it is right for politicians to blame you into doing things, it seems that if you expect someone to fend for him/herself you are a mean heartless prick. I myself have been less fortunate, I had to survive during a harsh economic crisin in Argentina (Argentina is always in a crisis BTW), some times I have been with no job, but I have managed, So, why are people “less fortunate” ? I remeber when I was in school, my parents expected me to perform, I wouldn´t have dared to repeat a year and fail, I was in a private school, but I knew my parents were making an effort to pay it, so failing was out of the question. I might give you that my GPA was not outstanding, but i was a B student. So now that I am not “less fortunate” I might say that my “not so strong” efforts in school, plus my parents expectations and adding to that, the fact that they were well off and could afford a private school contributed to make me what I am. So, in the end it means that a working father (no college degree) a supportive mother, and a “not so lazy son” create someone who is considered by the government as a “privileged” person. So today I pay taxes, I do well, but with my income i am  considered high income in my country (that’s debatable though, i would like to make more money), so, as i was saying, i pay taxes to fund public education, for the sons of parents who don´t have college degrees (just like my father), but who do not work as much (I almost never saw the guy). So in the end we are blamed into doing things because there are people in our society   who worked less than our parents, less than ourselves and we have to support their kids. I actually have one son, Things just went that way, but if I had to decide, i wouldn´t dare to have 5 or 7, so why is it that people who are on welfare DO have 5 or 7 kids ? maybe it’s because they don’t have to support them, or pay schools, or colleges. I really believe that even though tere are “less fortunate” people out there, there are also people who are experts in “conning the system” and in living for free.  So if someone is on welfare and is not disabled this person should be given a year to straighten up his/her affairs and find a job. I will offer to pay for daycare, just have them go back to work, they will feel better with themselves and regain some dignity, or just stay on welfare until the year runs out, then have them deported so someone else has to feed them, I want to feed my family, not somebody else’s (unless i choose to do so). BTW a person who has worked all his life and faces a crisis like the one the US is going through today has savings and unemployment insurance. More than once i had to sell my car and pawn things to survive, but that is not the situation i’m talking about. I am talking about someone who has not been able to find a job in 10 years (long before the crisis even began).

The Davey family (In the picture) recieves 42.000 pounds a year in welfare, own a mercedes station wagon and a people carrier and they are all fat.