
Tag Archives: collectivism

Soon there will be an election in Chile, BTW this country is doing quite well, once again the “left” is running a sale, free education, high minmmum wage, welfare system, and the usual “vote buying” strategies, what is really dissapointing is that the “right” is talking about a “fair” society. In the US war has not stopped, in Europe nothing has been fixed, in fact, Europeans are worse off than the inhabitants of some emerging economies. Both sides say that the other has failed, the “left” saya that the free market has failed, the “Right” says Socialsm has failed, So, would you like a diagnosis ? It seems democracy has failed.

After WW2, two ways to run things remained, the left and the right, (not Cuba and Bahamas left and right), a more subtle difference, more like Canada and the US, while Europe became a little more socialist (and I don`t mean this in a bad way), some emerging economies were almost forced into not doing so. so the spaniards, french, and socialists around the world complained that workers worked too much, had no rights, had no benefits, and started funding parties in these coutries to give hem the benefit of a “developed” society. Today, european countries (which what they actually had was a lot of credit) are broke, and what is their solution ?

Spanish government workers are getting stripped of their rights, their benefits, they have health cuts, free days taken from them, their working hours are now longer, and their retirement is postponed, all over Europe, working conditions are becoming worse than in underdeveloped countires, immigrants are leaving, and citizens too.

Now, when a parent is irresponsible with family finances (gives everybody in the family what they want just to be liked) there comes a time when bills and loans must be paid, then you see that (as our parents and grandparents told us), our responsible neighbors are better off than us, they saved to be better off in the future, they did not buy unnecessary stuff and did not get in debt, therefore today they are buying our house at auction.

Well, the only reason you do not see rafts leaving Miami headed to Cuba is because Cuba is an economic  s***hole and no matter how bad things get nobody would like to go there. So, If you have a father or grandfather in a nursing home, or he’s retired to Florida, make it a point to go visit soon, ask them about life, how is it they actually left you money or a house to sell, then compare the way you live with the way they lived theirs, it will surprise you to find out that you will get another “I told you so, but you wouldn`t listen”,

Your parents kept a car for 10 years not because they are old, but because they knew they couldn’t afford one, just like you can`t (even if a bank is willing to lend you the money to buy one), and rest assured your grandparents and parents had better credit than you do. And sadly this applies to governments also, it’s time to pay the bills, social expenditure in the case of Europe, and wars in the case of the US, and it’s not Shell or Exxon who are gong to pay for the gulf wars, it’s you, why is canada better off than the U.S. and has more social benefits ? Because they have not been at war !!!!

Shooting at someone has a cost, you have to train a soldier, send him/her there, buy him a gun, buy bullets, missiles, airplanes, food, etc. and let me tell you how empires worked: Spain invaded a place, they took all the gold and wealth back to Spain, and then  the king spent the money in Spain, therefore the economy bloomed.

Let me tell you how the U.S. works: The U.S. invades Iraq, destroys almost everything, the oil companies keep the oil, and the american people pay for the cost of the war.

Europe gives benefits to the workforce, has the US fight their wars for them, overtax the people and businesses, people and businesses go broke, they lay off the people, the government cannot pay for the benefits because they have fewer people and businesses to tax, therefore you have a lot of unemployment, the worforce loses their benefits, and the US goes broke and cannot afford to fight their wars for them.

France raised income tax to 75%, well, that didn`t do it either, the wealthy french simply left, so back to square one.

Now, the U.S. is following the european roadmap, just look at Europe today.

Here’s the result.

Archeologists found a 4.500 year old set of papyri in Egypt, among which there was a “Bill of rights”, or, in other words a list of the rights of egyptian citizens of the times, well, this is incredible news, when we think that millenia had to pass until another document like it was written and signed in England, and even later in other countries.

But that document has something else in it, it also has a set of obligations or responsibilites (however you wish to call them), and this has yet to be written and signed in the modern world.

Let’s explore the idea and please allow me to write here some suggestions on which obligations to include.

Right: You have the right to life – Obligation: You have to take care of it.

Right: Freedom of religion – Obligation: You must not impose it on anybody else

Right: An educaton – Obligation: Paying for it

Rigth: To bear 5 children – Obligation: Support them and educate them (feeding them and housing them is a must).

Right: Freedom of speech – Obligation: Watch what you say

Right: Gay marriage  – Obligation: Behave like hetero marriages (or at least politely, marriage is already depressing, don`t make it worse by ridiculing it)

Right: To be gay – Obligation: Not ot attend  parades in your underwear (specially if you are a middle aged man who is not in shape).

Right: To be a Racist – Obligation: Keep it to yourself (you can hate as much as you like, just don`t let anybody notice).

Right: To be a priest – Obligation: Do not rape kids (come on, go find a hooker and pay for sex).

Right: Freedom of choice (in life) – Obligation: Bear the consequences of your choices

As an example, I understand public funding for type 1 diabetes treatment, but type 2 is your fault, it’s triggered by pigging out on sugar, that one, you pay for yourself.

As another example, I am a smoker, so if I get cancer, I have to pay for the treatment myself, I am the idiot who smokes, I have been told it causes cancer, I am looking at the side of my pack of cigarrettes right now, it says “SMOKING CAUSES CANCER”, if I don’t understand it and smoke, I have to pay for my treatment. No taxpayers money for me because I am an idiot.

Public health systems should not fund bariatric surgery (stomach stapling), when an obese person comes into the clinic they should be sent home and put on a diet.

etc. etc. etc.

So, it seems the Egyptians were a lot smarter than us, not only because they built the pyramids, simply because they were, the bill of obligations, the sole concept is amazing…

Have a nice day.



Well, it’s sabre rattling time in the world once Again, the world got rid of Gaddaffi, personally I kinda liked the guy, religious freak, semi-psychopath, he was one of the textbook psychos, with his uniform, kind of like a hollywod third world dictator, he’s not in the picture anymore, now keeping up the Hollywood tradition, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad appears, you will ask who is he ?, the president of Iran (old Persia, the descendants of Xerxes from the movie 300),If your thing is Hollywood, or if you are a little behind in your bad guys, the Ayatollah’s place. That’s quite a big country and they want  an atom bomb bad, I don`t know if the atom bomb is for their negihbors or for the US, but they want one. Maybe they want it because the US will even invade Grenada if it’s a slow week. Who knows.


Now Little Kim is asking for a slap in the mouth, the other day I was watching the news and he had a parade (a military one of course), and among the dangerous “weapons of mass destruction” (Does that sound familiar ?) they had some bombs which looked suspiciously like V1’s, not the same  but the same principle. As well as some farming equipment, you can see in the picture the “Farming war division”.

Please remeber that this is actually Chinese machinery, if you ever have the chance, go drive a chinese car to a dealer, now think how that  will actually do if shot at.

Little Kim does not understand that not only the US likes war (at least the military industrial complex which runs the presidency does), they may not really be good at it, but they can even multitask, that means that it’s no problem for the US to be fighting a war, and start another one half way around the world. Remeber that  “Fifth” fleet, means there are “at least” another four.

Well, let this be a warning to little Kim, if you go to war with the US, you have some “minor details” which are against you.

1) The US is currently fighting two wars, so the military indurstrial complex are making their money already.

2) If the US spends any more money in weapons and militry contractors there is a possibility these will not be paid.

3) As it is, the US has been dragging their feet in Iraq and Afghanistan to help the weapons industry and contractors make money, and war 2.0 is still a possibility with Iran.

So, you might actually go to war with the real United States, the most powerful army humanity has ever seen, and the conditions are ripe for them to use all of it on you AT ONCE !

I believe the last time the US actually entered a war with the purpose of winning it was in 1941, and we all know how that one ended.

So little Kim, ask the chinese for some picks and shovels and get digging, because at least in my opinion, if you go to war with the US in this political and economic context, your people are going to develop night vision from staying in the tunnels and shelters, and we will at last have an actual wasteland where to make movies like Mad Max and the sort.

Please buddy, keep in mind that the phrase “they don`t make them like they used to” is actually true, there are no ICBM’s which are “as small” as the Hiroshima bomb anymore.

BTW, one last tip, when you YOURSELF!!!!!  tell the world “I have nukes and I am willing tu use them”, the CIA and MI6 don`t even need to make up an excuse to have the US and Britain bomb the shit out of you, Bush might come out of his hole and say “I told y’all those Ayrabs had nucular weapons”, and if in your schizophrenic dreams you really believe you can actually make a dent in the US, let me do the math for you.

BIG country nukes little country, = you die out, (notice I did not say die, i actually meant “die out”).

This is not going to be a war, it’s going to be an extintion event.

Have a nice day !

thatcherIn her times, people used to say she couldnt wear a mini skirt, because her “balls” would show. Also called TBW, (that bloody woman) Ms. Thatcher (as she was known then), was always honest, even though lots of people didn`t like her, she implemented a free market economy (after Pinochet and at the same time as Reagan), frineds with Reagan, Pinochet and every right wing who was close at hand. Retaliated with full force against Argentina and attacked socialism and communism wherever she could.

She has died, and today all her oponents mourn her in public and smile in private, the political class has its worst image in decades, and that is just due to the fact they lie thgrough their teeth, that was the good thing about Miss Thatcher, she was honest, blunt and non compromising.

Hailed as a saviour and condemned as a curse (BBC) Miss Thatcher simply did as she felt and acted as she believed, even giving her support to Dictator Augusto Pinochet during his arrest in England. (or the UK if you like).

This was her virtue, one line, one thought and never changed, so either you hated her or loved her but you shurely could not be indifferent to her.

So, Baroness Thatcher, may you rest in peace because most certainly you didn`t live in it. It’s time for a well earned rest, the world needs more people like you, not people who are of the same political side, people who are honest and blunt from whichever political side they come from, people we can respect even if we hate them.

Have a nice day

bully425Let`s talk about life, this is the story of two kids, Billy, and Milton the nerd, Billy was born to be himself,, he was larger at birth, just like about 50% of the kids, Milton was smaller, he also had bad eyesight, this was discovered when he was in preschool so he was taken to the doctor and got glasses. Billy and his buddies grew faster, were better looking, so half way into elementary school the difference was notorious, Milton read all the time, he studied, he had nothing better to do, about 10% of the students were “Miltons” boys and girls, just a bit uglier, a bit smaller, bad for sports, etc.

The “Billys” were good at sports, they played football, baseball, went to parties of course the “Miltons” were always in love with Sally Jo, but she was unreachable, they would be killed by the “Billys” if they even tried to talk to her, not that it would have mattered, Sally Jo would have never even looked at a “Milton”, she was concerned with looks alone.  When it was “popular”,the “Billys” abused the “Miltons” a little bit, just for some laughs, in time, the “Miltons” of course got better grades, usually stright A`s, they couldn’t even have girlfriends, the “Billys” had girlfriends, were popular and laughed at the Miltons (the “Billys” were C students though) they even created a sort of sick school logic, wherre getting good grades was unpopular, it was like complying with the system, it was bad to do what you were supposed to.

High school graduation came, and the “Miltons” rested, it was over at last, the “Billys” were left behind, the “Miltons” had scholarships due to their good grades and SAT scores, went to the university, graduated and got great jobs at teck firms. The “Billys” were left behind in the low paying jobs.

But the “Miltons” were to be cheated by life once again, they had suffered through childhoood and adolescence in the hands of the “Billys”, and now, in their adulthood, the government needs money for welfare, and food stamps, unfortunately, the now obese “Billys” and “Sally Jo’s”, who have 5 kids and live in a trailer park or a project, need government support, and guess what, the “Miltons”, who now make a lot of money are being taxed on 50% of their income to support those who abused them through school.

The Miltons don`t say it, it is not politically correct, but they despise the “Billys”, they always have, they know that life is about the choices you make when you are young, and the better the time you have during your schooling, the worst your income is going to be as an adult. But rest assured all the “Billys” and “Sally Jo’s” of the world, there will always be a collectivist government which will tax the “Miltons” so that they have to put up with you as adults, and even in death, because when the “Miltons” die, they will leave a good estate to their children, but they will have to pay an “Inheritance tax”, just to suppot your kids.

Of course, the children of the “Miltons” are now smart, larger and better looking, because Milton married a super good looking intelligent woman (and remained married), while the children born to Billy and Sally Jo are now dumber than they were, so at school the difference is even larger than it was before, the “Miltons” are also polite, cultured, well mannered and hard workers, the “Billys” are borderline, illiterate, unpolite and lazy.

So, the cycle begins again, and the differences become larger and larger, but the “Billys” which will abuse the “Miltons” in the following generations are going to be supported by taxing the “Miltons”, what an irony.

Believe me, that if you asekd the “Miltons”, they couldn care less if the “Billys” starved to death.

Have a nice day

Honest, I am really scared with the future, Let me explain myself. I was thinking about the situation in the world today; while one kind of people study, work while they study, plan their lives for the future, others just finish high school. One kind of people graduate to become medium or high income citizens while others just coast along with “around minimum wage” jobs. The time comes to have children, and one kind has one, or maybe two (because they simply cannot afford to feed and educate any more), while the other, which lives on government handouts has six kids. Then, one kind supports their families, mortgages, and pay up to 50% income tax, this money goes to support the other family and their six kids, their medical care, schooling, subsidies for their home, etc.

This is working now, the “less privileged” are supported by “the privileged”, but in time, the “less privileged” population grows on a ratio of 3 to 1 when comnpared to the “privileged”, so the crisis is coming faster than you think.

It is said by protestors that the 1% has all the money, but let’s be kind with the economt and let’s imagine that of a total amount of money (for a country’s economy) of 1.000 US$ (remeber this is an example), “the privileged 10%” has 90% of the money, and the “less privileged” hs the remaining 10%, in one generation, the “less privileged” will triple their population when compared to “the privileged”

What this implies is that the needs of “the needy” will triple in one generation, but also these people will have three times the children “the privileged” will have, so they will only manage to survive on 70% income tax on “the privileged”.

Remeber that “the privileged” have a lot of money, so this system might last another generation, and “the privileged” might take it, but two generations from now, “the needy” will outpopulate “the privileged” 12 to 1, so on that day, the 1% will have the same 90% of the money, but need to support subsidies to 12 times their population, so the government will tax them over 80% on their income.

We are now another generation away, and simply, the money is not enough, “the needy” now need “the privileged” taxed on 100% of their income to get by, but “the privileged” are not privileged anymore, they have themselves been taxed into poverty, there has been no growth in the economy (because “the privileged” simply cannot afford to invest).

The Govennment is bankrupt, there is simply nobody else to tax, there are no “privileged”, and now the cuts have to come, but the economy simply cannot afford it, no matter how much you cut in expenses, the government will still be broke, and the general population is simply semi illiterate and used to living on handouts.

So, this is the picture I fear, I hope I am wrong, but sadly I don`t thik I am.

Have a nice day.

chavezIt’s hard to be objective about this issue, I am a “right winger”, I am so right wing that I would call a US republican a socialist, but Even though sometimes I might not like the results of elections, I do respect the democratic system, it is the system of choice and we all must abide by it (well, except Cuba which is a monarchy now).

This is a sad day for Venezuela, more than half the venezuelans are mourning their leader, almost half of the venezuelans are mourning because they have a new martyr in yown, the rumor is that Chavez was already dead, but the result is the same. Latin American culure dictates that anyone who dies is by default a good person, and in time, all the bad things anyone might have done are forgotten and only a godlike image remains in their followers minds. As an example, remeber the Che Guevara, terrorist, murderer, but also an idealist who ended up dead and remebered, even used as a symbol of peace. Juan Domingo Perón in argentina, a fascist dictator, but all the bad things forgotten, Pinochet in Chile, also a dictator (elected president later but in an “odd” election), also, his followers tend to equate him with some sort of godlike figure.

So the venezuelan politicians opposing Chavez (Maduro now), will have the problem of dealing with an opponent which cannot be attacked, simply because he is dead, all the political slogans will be “As Commander Chavez would have wanted it”. So, Chavez died but Chavism is stronger than ever, damaging the economy and the image of the region, as long as Latin America has countries with governments like Venezuela, Bolivia or Argentina, the stability of the region is compromised.

Most of you in the rest of the world do not know about the plight of the venezuelan exiled, those who had to leave Venezuela, just because they had earned more money, or some who decided they wanted a better fure than standing in line to buy bread or a chicken, and left to live in other countries, how the children under 15 were deprived of their ID cards and passports to prevent them from leaving the country (to force their parents to stay), these hard working venezuleans who are now in Chile (where I live), some with university degrees working in minimum wage jobs (or almost), who will not return to their country until they can be assured their rights will be respected. (first hand testimony from several venezuelans).

gaddafi-chavezFriends with Gaddaffi, Funding Cuba, Funding Argentina, and Bolivia, more than 15 billion dollars a year to fund enemies of the US, leaving venezuelan citizens in misery.

Well, may he rest in peace, my condolences to his family and friends, because you should always mourn the dead, even if he is your enemy.

Prayer for Yom HaShoah (Holocaust Remembrance Day)

Lord, remember not only the men of good will, but also those of ill will. But do not remember all the suffering they have inflicted upon us. Remember rather the fruits we have brought, thanks to this suffering: our comradeship, our loyalty, our humility, the courage, the generosity, the greatness of heart that has grown out of this. And when they come to judgment, let all the fruits we have bourne be their forgiveness.
Source: Found on a scrap of paper at the liberation of Ravensbruck Concentration Camp in Germany

Found at:

Or, as a friend of mine would say, Remembered, but not forgiven

Have a nice day.


It has been said several times “There can`t be political freedom without economic freedom” but it seems to work both ways, yesterday there were riots in rural China (Wukan) because it seems that government officials have been selling land to install a factory without the consent of the farmers, this would have been unopposable in “communist China”, but today, the farmers rioted, overturned cars, started fires and set up checkpoints and are not allowing any outsiders into their district. Huge banners demand democratic elections.

It seems “There can`t be economic freedom without political freedom”, China has been polluted with the “freedom germ”.

Capitalism does that, you first want money and things, when your basic needs are met, then you want freedom, it’s a standard behavior.

“The protest that has erupted in a village in China’s Guangdong province has grabbed headlines around the world, but the issues at the heart of the dispute are alarmingly commonplace.” (BBC news)

Find out more about this at:

have a nice day.